Cost Object Settings

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Cost Object Settings

Cost Objects Default Settings Fields:

These fields apply to ImpactECS Cost Object objects only:



This field is a check box that indicates whether the cost object is dependent on another cost object.

Needs Recalculation

This field is a check box that indicates whether or not the data within the cost object has changed requiring the cost object to be recalculated.

Last Recalculated By

This field is a non-editable field that saves the user name of the last user that recalculated the cost object.

Last Recalculated

This field is a non-editable field that saves the last date/time the cost object was recalculated.

Total Routing

This field is a drop-down list of the routings in the cost object; when populated the routing indicated will pass answers to any dependent cost objects

Initialize Calc

This field holds the name of the object called during step 1 in the recalculation process.

Initialize Calc Type

This fields holds the item type of the object called during step 1 in the recalculation process.

Finalize Calc

This field holds the name of the object called during step 6 in the recalculation process.

Finalize Calc Type

This field holds the item type of the object called during step 6 in the recalculation process.

Report Template

This field holds the name of the Report object that will be used when the Print button is pushed.

Last Accessed Time

This field is a non-editable field that saves the date/time the cost object was last accessed.


ToolKitAndWebTemplate, Model Download 1.0007

Topic Status: Needs Review as of 12/3/2021, 4:10 PM


ImpactECS Object Default Settings Fields

These fields apply to ALL ImpactECS objects:


Additional Model Level Settings Fields:

These fields apply to ALL ImpactECS objects:



This field sets the text for the item title within the Main Panel screens; if blank defaults to ItemName.


This field sets the icon that will appear in the Main Panel screens to represent the item; if blank, the icon will default to the icon specified in the SystemIcons table.


This field sets the text for the item description within the Main Panel Screens.


This field sets the help reference link for the item within the Main Panel Screens.


This field works with the Web App as well as System scripts to add functionality to each object.


ToolKitAndWebTemplate, Model Download 1.0007

Topic Status: Needs Review as of 12/3/2021, 4:10 PM


Additional Object Level Settings Fields:

These fields apply to ALL ImpactECS Cost Objects:


The following field: AutoRecalculate is used to aid in recalculating cost objects upon save.


This additional user field will indicate whether the cost object will automatically recalculate upon save. The AutoRecalculate process is called from the SystemEvents and the SystemUtilities scripts. When enabled, the cost object will automatically recalculate when saved.


ToolKitAndWebTemplate, Model Download 1.0007

Topic Status: Needs Review as of 12/3/2021, 4:10 PM