Download and Restore Instructions

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Download and Restore Instructions


1.Click the "Download Model Here" link from the Welcome page, Start Here section:

a.Sample Browser Download Link

i.This link is also available on every page listed in the main navigation panel.



b.The Model Download table will open:

i. ModelDownloadTable


2.Locate the largest number in the Version field where the CompatibleImpactVersion matches the version of ImpactECS on the server.

a.Most current Version as of the last help update: 7.5.5332

i.The CompatibleImpactVersion may not match the current version running the ToolkitAndWebTemplate

ii.If the newest version does not = 7.5.5332, please contact the support desk for status updates at Support Email.

3.Click the orange hyperlink in the Version field to download.

a.A ".bacpac" file will download with the naming convention of "DownloadXXXXX.bacpac" where XXXXX = the version chosen.


4.Open SQL Server Management Studio and establish a connection to the server you want to save the model to.


5.Right click on "Database" in the object tree to open the context menu and choose "Import Data-tier Application...":



6.Follow the prompts on the pop-up.

a.On this page, navigate to the file downloaded in step 2.

i.Bacpac Import File

b.On this page, update the "New database name:" field with a model name (shown below is the default value):

i.Bacpac Model Name

ii.NOTE: Best practice is to replace the "." in the name with an underscore (or rename completely). ImpactECS will change the "." to an underscore when attaching the model to the server.



7.Once the database is saved on the server, navigate to ImpactECS and attach the model.

a.Attach using the model name designated on step 6 part b, New database name field.


ToolKitAndWebTemplate, Model Download 1.0007

Topic Status: Authorized as of 12/3/2021, 4:10 PM