Set Up Okta Server

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Set Up Okta Server

1.Logon to the Okta administration site for your Okta domain.

2.Click on the Applications tab.

3.Click on Add Application as shown below

4.Click on Create New App.

5.Select Platform: Web and Sign on method: OpenID Connect


6.Enter following information in the form which shows up after create button is clicked:
Application Name: This can be any value. It is recommended that the name include the environment name: Development, QA or Production. In this example it is “ImpactECS Web Application on Development Server”
Logon Redirect URI: This will be the root URL of the ImpactECS Web Application. In this example it is, replace with the URL of local installation.
Logout Redirect Uri: Append the path /OpenIDSignout to the root URL to get the logout redirect URI. In this example it is, replace with the URL of local installation.


7.Click “Save”

8.In the next screen, change the allowed grant types as follows:


9.Finally, copy the value of client id from the client credentials section. The client id will be used for configuring ImpactECS in the next section.


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